Amber Sexlink Chick
The Amber Sexlink is one of our favorite brown eggs layers. Adults are mostly white with some red/amber colorations on their wings, back, and neck. Chicks are mostly yellow, with some having light brown stripes on their back. Hens of this variety will produce approximately 285+ brown eggs per year. Males of this variety can be utilized as fryers at the age of about four months. The Amber Sexlink does well in a free-range environment. We have many customers that use the Amber Sexlink on their egg farm exclusively. Due to this breed being mostly white, they are more likely to be attacked by birds of prey. If you are looking for a comparable breed that is less likely to be attacked by birds of prey, try the Brown Sexlink or Black Sexlink.
Valley Farms Hatchery has selectively bred the Amber Sexlink since 2020.